Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Out in the Wind

Some days just out enjoying the cold, cold wind,
that whispers in my ear like a hummingbird,
I just sit there to think about the world;
the things I've done, the bad things and things,
Just to think, think, and think.
I want to think about what I want to do in my life,
Or if I want a calm, cool wife,
I just have to think, think, and think.
I want to think about the bad things I've done to people
In the past, or will do in the future
Because we all know time goes fast;
I want to do right again;
I want to just Think, Think, Think.
Have you ever had that feeling
That you did something wrong or right
You just couldn't figure out if it was wrong or right
Because you couldn't think, think, think?
-If you have a trouble,
or if you are going down
you can just sit in the wind
and Think, Think, Think.

-DaVontae Coker
Grade 6

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